Team Up, Clean Up, Green Up!

Team Up, Clean Up, Green Up!

In 2021, Green Earth Collective was proud to begin our Team Up, Clean Up, Green Up project. Every third Saturday of every month the Green Earth Co.-Highland Park team made it our mission to pick up trash, dispose of waste and collect recyclables in our neighborhood...
Green Earth Co. x Last Prisoner Project

Green Earth Co. x Last Prisoner Project

Juneteenth is a national holiday commemorating June 19th, 1865, the day that federal troops took control of Texas to formally announce and enforce President Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation which declared that all enslaved persons in states controlled by the...
Balanced Veterans Network

Balanced Veterans Network

Green Earth Co. is proud to support the Balanced Veterans Network and Operation 1620. The BVN is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create a safe space for the education, advocacy, and empowerment of alternative therapies for veterans. They partner with...
Celebrate Earth Day with Green Earth Co.

Celebrate Earth Day with Green Earth Co.

Celebrate Earth Day with Green Earth Co! Earth Day is widely recognized as the largest secular observance in the world with roughly a billion people participating globally in effort to support environmental protection. As a commitment to a cleaner and greener earth,...
The Causes We Bring To Pasadena

The Causes We Bring To Pasadena

We are a passionate community dedicated to the preservation and beautification of our green Earth, Pasadena. That’s one reason why we called ourselves Green Earth Collective. We knew that if we were going to cultivate from the land, we needed to give back....
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