Team Up, Clean Up, Green Up!

In 2021, Green Earth Collective was proud to begin our Team Up, Clean Up, Green Up project. Every third Saturday of every month the Green Earth Co.-Highland Park team made it our mission to pick up trash, dispose of waste and collect recyclables in our neighborhood and surrounding community. As a direct representation of our community and its residents, we believe consistent cleaning efforts, no matter how small, can have a big impact on the health and happiness of our neighborhood and the environment as a whole. 

That is why we’re reaching out to local residents, small businesses and other community members to join us on Saturday, February 18th @ 9:00am as we strive to make our community cleaner and greener. Our hope is that the visible results of our efforts will lead to heightened interest and involvement among Highland Park’s residents in reducing waste and preserving the environment! A regular neighborhood clean-up can also bring about a sense of community and responsibility to keep our homes and common areas clean, healthy and safe. We believe that by volunteering their time and energy, our community will raise awareness and lay the groundwork for an even larger, broader waste-reducing effort. 

If you or your organization would like to take part in a rewarding and fun way to give back to the local community, contact:

Green Earth Co. – Highland Park at (323) 349-0949

OR meet us at:

 4801 York Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90042 on Saturday 2/18 @ 9:00am!

If you are unable to volunteer your time for National Clean Up Day but still want to lend a hand, no problem! Just join us every third Saturday of the month at 9:00am at the Green Earth Co.-Highland Park parking lot. Check our EVENTS tab to see when we’re hosting our next Clean Up!

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