Green Earth Collective is proud to begin our Team Up, Clean Up, Green Up project to keep our community clean by organizing monthly waste-reducing efforts. Join us on the Third Saturday of every month to do your part for Highland Park!
In Highland Park, cleanliness has become a concern for many residents. Overflowing trash receptacles, discarded wrappers and wasted food have become more and more common as people continue venturing outside.
It is important to keep Highland Park clean because it is a direct representation of our community and its residents. Having an up-kept neighborhood benefits everyone and can have a big impact on the health and happiness of the community and the environment as a whole.
Besides being an eyesore, litter can disrupt the ecosystem of our neighborhood because it often attracts insects and rodents which can carry potentially deadly diseases. Excessive trash and debris are especially harmful for pets and children who might pick up, step on, or even ingest the discarded items.Trash, especially cigarette butts and flammable materials, also present a significant fire hazard. Food waste can pollute area waterways and harm wildlife, making our water even more unsafe to use.
Litter can be found on our roadways, sidewalks, yards, and common areas such as parks and schools. It might seem a bit overwhelming to tackle the litter problem in your neighborhood alone, but even small efforts can make a major difference.
This is why Green Earth found it so important to start a monthly Clean Up effort for Highland park! Join our neighborhood clean up meetings to get involved and make a difference in keeping Highland Park Trash and Litter-free. Volunteering with Green Earth is a rewarding and fun way to give back to the local community and environment.
We believe that getting our community together to help can be a great way to create further awareness in our area and lay the groundwork for an even broader waste-reducing effort. A regular neighborhood clean-up can also bring about a sense of community and responsibility to keep our homes and common areas clean, healthy and safe. Our hope is that the visible results of our efforts will lead to heightened interest and involvement among Highland Park’s residents in reducing garbage, and food waste, and preserving the environment.
By giving your time and energy, you will become an integral part of making a difference and meaningfully contributing to your community. If you missed a clean up, but still want to lend a hand, that’s no problem! Just join us every third Saturday of the month at 10am at the Green Earth Co. Parking lot. Check our events calendar to find out what’s coming up!